Wigets For Mac
Power Widget is your free digital assistant that knows your digital needs and thus lets you find things on Mac very easily. This tool is designed and developed with the aim to give you the most delightful experience as a Mac user. With a number of features, this tool is all your Mac needs. Jun 24, 2016 A total of 45 gadgets are installed when you install 8GadgetPack, including clock, calendar, currency, clipboarder, custom calendar, app launcher, and all CPU meter. This one also adds gadget options to desktop context menu and is very easy to use. Caution before downloading gadgets.
As a Mac user, do you use dashboard widgets? If not, you’re really missing out. Dashboard widgets are so much more convenient than apps; they use up less RAM, yet can be just as powerful. Many Mac users don’t see a point in the dashboard; it’s definitely not for everyone. However, if you want to keep up with important information throughout the day (weather, news, email, tweets, events, etc), have a look at these best dashboard widgets for MAC osx.
So today I’m going to share 9 dashboard widgets for osx that are extremely useful and sure to come in handy whether you’re a casual or power user. If you’re a windows user, be sure to check out our earlier article – the best desktop widgets and gadgets for Windows.
Mar 31, 2011 Learn How to Add New Widgets to Your Mac's Dashboard. Learn How to Add New Widgets to Your Mac's Dashboard. Skip to Navigation Skip to the Content of this Page Back to the Accessibility Menu. More awesome Widgets. Yahoo! Widgets 4.5 allows Widget creators to build more awesomeness into their Widgets, including video right on your desktop. Yahoo Widgets for Mac. Kludgets is a 3rd part freeware that allows you to use Mac OS widgets on Windows desktop. Kludgets, widgets, gadgets, applets or screenlets are shiny little applications that decorate the desktop. A problem for most Mac users is the question, 'How can I remove widgets on Mac?' Well, not to worry — deleting widgets on a Mac isn't such a problem. All you need is a little bit of time, or just the right tools. So in this article, we'll go over how to remove widgets on Mac OS two ways: one way is with a Mac utility, and the other is. IStocks Widget: International Quotes The iStocks Widget displays quotes and historical charts for international stocks, indices and currencies. The widget is provided as freeware and is based on Apple's Stock widget, which is shipped with Mac OS X. This original widget is limited to US symbols only. IStocks overcomes this limitation and uses the international.
Dropbox Droplet
Free Widgets For Mac
If you have a Dropbox account, this dashboard widget makes it easy to add files to your account. Just drag-and-drop any file to the widget and it will automatically be copied to your public Dropbox folder. The URL will also be added to your clipboard so that you can share it anywhere – email, tweet, Facebook post, IM message or anywhere else. (also read: Dropbox tips and tutorials)
Do you use Twitter, Identi.ca and/or FriendFeed? If so, this widget will allow you to keep tabs on them from your dashboard. You can view your friends’ latest updates, post status messages and links and send direct messages. It’s the ultimate micro-blogging widget for the Mac dashboard. There are also six color schemes to choose from.
Dashboard Widgets For Mac
Chirp is an older widget and it looks like its development may have stopped, so it may be a bit buggy. Even if you don’t use Identi.ca or FriendFeed (they’re pretty much dead anyway), Chirp is still a stylish way to keep tabs on Twitter.
Are you looking to keep up with your Twitter account quickly and in style? Twidget is the perfect dashboard widget for that. With it you can send out tweets, keep up with your Twitter timeline, send replies and direct messages, and add tweets to your favorites; unfortunately you can’t retweet – a huge disadvantage. The timeline will automatically refresh, so there is no work required on your end; you can even choose how often to update. Twidget is under active development and new features are in the works like Growl notifications, @reply highlighting, short URLs and more.
The first command only needs to be run once, and then you can just activate/deactivate the proxy as needed. The one generated with ssh -D or shadowsocks).Given that you configured the proxy server with e.g.💡 interface name is not case sensitive networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy wi-fi localhost 1080you can later turn it off with networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate wi-fi offand then back on with networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate wi-fi onI.e. Expanding on 's answer for the specific case of the SOCKS5 proxy (i.e. Create a proxyless network environment: in the Network pane of System Preferences, click on the “Profile” drop down and select “Manage Profiles”. Duplicate your standard settings (by clicking on the cog wheel button at the bottom of the list).
Do you take a lot of screenshots? If so, Screenshot Plus may be perfect for you. This dashboard widget allows you to take timed (10 second delay) full screen and selected area captures. You can save your captures to your hard drive or clipboard. If you’d like to edit your captures in another app, no problem; you can export them to any application on your Mac right from the widget.
You may or may not be familiar with JuneCloud; it’s an awesome package delivery tracking service. You can track packages from just about every delivery service like UPS, USPS, FedEx, Amazon (just enter order number) and more. I am an avid user of their their iPad app. If you do a lot of online shopping, this widget will be a Godsend because you’ll be able to track all your deliveries from a single widget on your dashboard. Best of all, Delivery Status includes notifications: via Notification Center or Growl. If you create an account (or already have one) and sign in, you can also sync your deliveries across devices.
Tea Timer

This dashboard widget is a personal favorite of mine. Even though it’s called Tea Timer, it’s not just for tea; you can use it for anything you’d like. It’s extremely customizable and has some great features like: Growl notifications, voice and/or sound alerts, color schemes, and the option to choose “ready in” (countdown to completion time) or “in” (countdown to start time).
Snooze lets you specify a “sleep” time for your Mac. You can tell your Mac to go to sleep in 30 minutes, 2 hours, etc. This is useful if you are listening to music while falling asleep, watching a video, or even downloading a large file. Instead of leaving your Mac on for a prolonged time and letting your battery run down, Snooze will put your Mac to sleep automatically.
Do you need to track how much time a task or project is taking? Cashboard can help you with that. It works in conjunction with an online account and allows you to keep a time sheet. Just press start whenever you want it to start timing you. Once you’re done, go back and add a specific project and category to the task; you can also add notes. Next click on “Add Time Entry” and it will be sent to your Cashboard account. Although this is a premium service they do have a free account, which is great if you’re just looking for a simple time management tool.
GAget is a beautiful Google Analytics widget for your dashboard. It shows you all of the important data so that you can keep up daily without having to use a browser. Although the widget automatically refreshes on its own, you can also refresh manually. GAget lets you switch between profiles, change the current chart (visitors, new visitors rate, bouncers rate), view data from up to four weeks back, and much more. It’s a must have for any website owner, blogger or Web developer.
The Windows Disc Image Burner will open, asking you which drive you’d like to use.When ready, click Burn to start the process. Buy windows 10 for mac bootcamp. Annoyingly, doing this requires a different keyboard shortcut on different devices, but if you pay attention when your computer is starting up you should see instructions for accessing the boot menu. When it’s complete, you’ll have a bootable DVD that you can use to install Windows from.You can use other software to burn your ISO, but the built-in software is simple enough to use.Most computers should boot from DVD by default, but in some cases you may need to access your computer’s boot menu to install Windows 10 from DVD.
What are your favorite dashboard widgets for macbook? Which one(s) do you use the most?